かつて神だった獣たちへTo the Abandoned Sacred Beasts

<span class="langWrap"><i>Blu-ray好評発売中!</i><i>Blu-ray is now on sale!</i></span>
©めいびい・講談社/かつ神製作委員会🄫2019 MAYBE, KADOKAWA/Katsu-kami Production Committee
監督:宍戸 淳
シリーズ構成:村越 繁
キャラクターデザイン・総作画監督:新沼 大祐
擬神兵デザイン監修:佐野 誉幸
色彩設計:鎌田 千賀子
美術監督:森川 裕史
CGディレクター:大田 和征
撮影監督:三舟 桃子
編集:相原 聡
音楽:池 頼広
Original Creator: meibyi
Director: jyun shishido
Series Composition: sigeru murakoshi
Chracter Design・Chief Animation Director: daisuke nimuma
Incarnate Soldiers Design Supervisor: Takayuki sano
Color Design: shikako kamta
Art Director: Hiroshi morikawa
CGI Director: Kazumasa oota
Director of Photography: momoko mifune
Editing: akira aihara
Music: Yoshihiro ike
OP Artist: mafumafu
ED Artist:Gero×ARAKI
監督:宍戸 淳
シリーズ構成:村越 繁
キャラクターデザイン・総作画監督:新沼 大祐
擬神兵デザイン監修:佐野 誉幸
色彩設計:鎌田 千賀子
美術監督:森川 裕史
CGディレクター:大田 和征
撮影監督:三舟 桃子
編集:相原 聡
音楽:池 頼広
Original Creator: meibyi
Director: jyun shishido
Series Composition: sigeru murakoshi
Chracter Design・Chief Animation Director: daisuke nimuma
Incarnate Soldiers Design Supervisor: Takayuki sano
Color Design: shikako kamta
Art Director: Hiroshi morikawa
CGI Director: Kazumasa oota
Director of Photography: momoko mifune
Editing: akira aihara
Music: Yoshihiro ike
OP Artist: mafumafu
ED Artist:Gero×ARAKI
ハンク:小西 克幸
シャール:加隈 亜衣
ケイン:中村 悠一
クロード:石川 界人
ライザ:日笠 陽子
エレイン:能登 麻美子
ミリエリア:市ノ瀬 加那
エリザベス:坂本 真綾
Hank: katsuyuki konishi
Schaal: ai Kakuma
Cain: yuichi nakamura
Claude: kaito Ishikawa
Liza: youko hikasa
Elaine: mamiko noto
Miglieglia: kana ishinose
Elizabeth: maaya sakamoto
シャール:加隈 亜衣
ケイン:中村 悠一
クロード:石川 界人
ライザ:日笠 陽子
エレイン:能登 麻美子
ミリエリア:市ノ瀬 加那
エリザベス:坂本 真綾
Hank: katsuyuki konishi
Schaal: ai Kakuma
Cain: yuichi nakamura
Claude: kaito Ishikawa
Liza: youko hikasa
Elaine: mamiko noto
Miglieglia: kana ishinose
Elizabeth: maaya sakamoto
アニメーションを手掛けるのは、「ユーリ!!! on ICE」「神撃のバハムート」「この世界の片隅に」など数々のハイクオリティ作品を世に送り出して来たヒットメーカー、MAPPA 。監督は「はじめの一歩」2期・3期監督、「ユーリ!!! on ICE」演出チーフを務めた宍戸淳。シリーズ構成・脚本は「ゾンビランドサガ」「牙狼アニメシリーズ」を手掛けた村越繁。
The democratic nation of Patria was established on the continent of Patria. Split between the Northern Union and the Southern Confederation, civil war raged on in the nation for many years. When the North was about to meet its defeat, it resorted to a forbidden technology that empowered humans to be as strong as the gods but in turn transformed them into monstrous soldiers. The power brought peace, and the Incarnates were heroes praised as gods that saved the nation.
Time has passed since then, and the war is now a memory of the past. Because of their strength, the Incarnates, who gave up their human form, are now simply seen as beasts, feared and despised by the citizens.
Hank, ex-captain of a troop of Incarnates, is on a journey to hunt down his former Incarnate comrades that have become beasts. A girl named Schaal, who hopes to avenge her father who was an Incarnate, encounters Hank and decides to join his journey to find out the truth about her father’s death. They eventually learn why they have to continue fighting and discover the existence of the man who released the beasts that Hank pursues.
What awaits Hank in his journey as he carries his cross as a traitor?
Impermanence, abnormality, and sacrifice of war. With compelling reality and outstanding quality, To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts portrays the savage battle between the monstrous Incarnates and the Beast Hunter.
The roar of this ultimate dark fantasy by a team of top creators reverberates across the world.
アニメーションを手掛けるのは、「ユーリ!!! on ICE」「神撃のバハムート」「この世界の片隅に」など数々のハイクオリティ作品を世に送り出して来たヒットメーカー、MAPPA 。監督は「はじめの一歩」2期・3期監督、「ユーリ!!! on ICE」演出チーフを務めた宍戸淳。シリーズ構成・脚本は「ゾンビランドサガ」「牙狼アニメシリーズ」を手掛けた村越繁。
The democratic nation of Patria was established on the continent of Patria. Split between the Northern Union and the Southern Confederation, civil war raged on in the nation for many years. When the North was about to meet its defeat, it resorted to a forbidden technology that empowered humans to be as strong as the gods but in turn transformed them into monstrous soldiers. The power brought peace, and the Incarnates were heroes praised as gods that saved the nation.
Time has passed since then, and the war is now a memory of the past. Because of their strength, the Incarnates, who gave up their human form, are now simply seen as beasts, feared and despised by the citizens.
Hank, ex-captain of a troop of Incarnates, is on a journey to hunt down his former Incarnate comrades that have become beasts. A girl named Schaal, who hopes to avenge her father who was an Incarnate, encounters Hank and decides to join his journey to find out the truth about her father’s death. They eventually learn why they have to continue fighting and discover the existence of the man who released the beasts that Hank pursues.
What awaits Hank in his journey as he carries his cross as a traitor?
Impermanence, abnormality, and sacrifice of war. With compelling reality and outstanding quality, To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts portrays the savage battle between the monstrous Incarnates and the Beast Hunter.
The roar of this ultimate dark fantasy by a team of top creators reverberates across the world.
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Blu-ray/DVD好評発売中!Broadcasting starts in October 2022!
Blu-ray好評発売中!Blu-ray is now on sale!
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Blu-ray好評発売中!Blu-ray is now on sale!
Blu-ray/DVD好評発売中!Blu-ray and DVD are now on sale!
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Blu-ray/DVD好評発売中!Blu-ray and DVD are now on sale!
Blu-ray好評発売中!Blu-ray is now on sale!